Train tickets to Apple/Google Wallet Passes

Turn your public transport ticket into an Apple and Google Wallet pass.

Supported ticket types include:

If you want your tickets to automatically update when they are renewed you can create an account and add the subscription. Currently, DB and SaarVV are supported.

If you're having trouble scanning your ticket uploading a picture/screenshot of your ticket usually works better. The decoder on the server is better than the one in your browser.

Upload a picture or a PDF instead

Paste your ticket as hex/text

Not working?

Get in touch with a picture of your ticket and I'll see what I can do.


Your ticket barcode will be stored to allow automatic updates to subscription tickets. Tickets commonly include your name and date of birth - this information is not processed except to generate the pass. Ticket data may be inspected by a human if you ask for help.


You can send scanned Aztec barcode contents to this service's API and retrieve PKPass files from it.

API details

POST /api/upload

Content-Type: application/json

    "barcode_data": "<base64 encoded aztec contents>"


200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "ticket_id": "EXAMPLE_ID",
    "access_token": "EXAMPLE_TOKEN"


422 Unprocessable Entity
Content-Type: application/json

    "title": "Invalid barcode",
    "message": "This doesn't look like a valid ticket"

GET /api/apple/v1/passes/

Authorization: ApplePass EXAMPLE_TOKEN


200 OK
Content-Type: application/
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="EXAMPLE_ID.pkpass"

Pass Contents